Sunday, August 21, 2011

The weekend after.

Sometimes you need to bust the funk and get the fuck out.

Yesterday was a veritable cluster-fuck of activities.  Preset environment to 95F, add a healthy dose of humidity to a large city skillet, mix in ultimate Frisbee and a decent sized park, simmer for 3 hours, let sit over free food from Patrick's mom's mall food court restaurant and smoothie shack.  Then, add second portion of ultimate Frisbee and a tour of CRC for incoming youngins and stir, careful not to let lactic acid clumps accumulate in the sweaty mess.  Finally, cover with home-cooked Chinese food, infuse with rap music and Hood Internet, and the serve with a housewarming party at Bryce's new place.

Ultimate seems to just be getting better and better for me.  It's not so much the game... I've more or less peaked at how good I'm going to get, but that is completely missing the point.  It's a social event now, and as I meet more people it gets more and more satisfying.  The old guys are the best, the grizzled veterans who talk about the glory days of this and that, and there is something deeply satisfying about being brought into their fold, like fatherly approval.  The young guys are interesting, but it's a weird forum for getting to know them.  Maybe a bit of beering is in order to get the good shit flowing.  Also, there is a guy who looks exactly like Dave who plays and I keep having to stop myself from calling him such.  It's a poor substitute for the real thing.

Bryce's house party was like the days of old.  I can't remember the last time that I went to a party with a keg and had a good time.  This is especially pleasing because I wasn't planning on drinking due to Barca lung, but oops, sometimes you just trip and get fun all over you.  Highlights:  people (Bryce) dancing with pans on their heads, people (Bryce) not knowing how to play slap cup and ruining it for everyone, people (Bryce) tripping and falling into transvestites, not knowing they are transvestites, at Checkers while drunk, and Checkers while drunk.  Baconzirrrrraaaaaa!  Well done mates.  I hope your house is nice and cozy now.

And I haven't even begun to post about the crazy Eurotrip 2011.  Hopefully I haven't forgotten anything (jk, how could you forget?).

And now, off to a new semester.


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